2017 individual Workouts

Buy In: Row 1000m
In Remaining time AMRAP
3 Thrusters 115/75
3 Bar Muscle Ups
6 Thrusters 115/75
6 Bar Muscle Ups
9 Thrusters 115/75
9 Bar Muscle Ups
12/12, 15/15, etc
Men’s Scaled & Men’s Masters 50+: 95# Thrusters & Chin over bar pullups
Men’s Masters 40+: 95# Thrusters & Chest to Bar Pullups
Women’s Masters 40+: 55# Thrusters & Chest to Bar Pullups
Women’s Scaled & Women’s Masters 50+: 55# Thrusters & Chin over Bar pullups
Teen Boys 14-15: 55# & Pullups
Teen Boys 16-17: 75# & C2B Pullups
Teen Girls 14-15: 35# & Pullups
Teen Girls 16-17: 55# & C2B Pullups

“Sandbag Sprint”
AMRAP 3: 6×180’ Sandbag Sprint followed by max distance sandbag lunge
Score is total distance on lunges.
All male divisions: 50#
All female divisions: 30#
Rx/Masters 40+/Teens 16-17: Overhead Lunge
Scaled/Masters 50+/Teens 14-15: Back Rack Lunge

For time:
Run 1 Lap
15 Burpees
10 D-Ball Cleans
Run 1 Lap
15 Burpees
10 D-Ball Cleans
Run 1 Lap
Rx & Masters 40+: 100/70
Scaled, Masters 50+, Teens 16-17: 70/50
Teens 14-15: 50/30

“Bike Pyramid”
For time
24/18 Calorie Bike
16 Toes to Bar
8 Overhead Squats, 135/85
100 Double Unders
8 Overhead Squats, 135/85
16 Toes to Bar
24/18 Calorie Bike
*CAP 10 Minutes
Scaled: 105/65; 24 Hanging Knee Raises; 150 Single Unders
Masters 40+: 115/75
Masters 50+: 20/15 Cal Bike; 95/55 Hang Power Snatch; Male: 100 DU; Female: 150 Single Unders
Teens 16-17: 75/55
Teens 14-15: 20/15 Cal Bike; 55/35; 24 Hanging Knee Raise; 50 Double Unders
2017 team workouts

“Synchro Couplet”
10 min AMRAP
M/F Pair 1:
10 Syncro Overhead Squats (95/65)
10 Syncro Toes to Bar
M/F Pair 2:
10 Syncro Overhead Squats (95/65)
10 Syncro Toes to Bar

As a Team
300 Alternating DB Snatch (50/35)
4 x 180′ Buddy Carry
180′ Sprint with DBs
*Cap 15 min
*Partition DB Snatch as needed. Advance both DBs every 30 reps. No minimum work requirement.

“The Rig Chipper”
4 Person Relay
600m Row
21 Front Squats (135/85)
15 Hang Power Clean (135/85)
9 Pull Ups
*CAP 18 min
*Once an athlete completes the row, the next athlete may begin (waterfall style)
*Athletes may only move to the barbell once the previous athlete has reached the finish mat