Movement Requirements by Division
Note: Not all movements listed below will be in the competition but this will give you an idea of what to expect for weightlifting and gymnastics requirements. We may include other movements that are not listed but are consistent with the guidelines listed below.
Note 2: The swimming pool is 5-6 ft deep.
Swim (25m pool)
Double Unders
Strict Handstand Push Ups
Handstand Walk
Ring Muscle Ups/Bar Muscle Ups/Chest to Bar Pull Ups/Strict Pull ups/Toes to Bar
Dumbbell Movements 70/50 (Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Overhead Lunge, Thruster)
Deadlift 275/185 (in a WOD)
Clean and Jerk/Front Squat 205/135 (in a WOD)
Snatch/Overhead Squat 155/105 (in a WOD)
D-Ball Movements 150/100 (Clean over Shoulder, Carries, Squat w/ ball)
Wall Balls (30 to 10’/20 to 9’)
Box Jumps (30″/24″)
Swim (25m pool)
Double Unders
Kipping Handstand Push Ups
Chest to Bar Pull Ups/Toes to Bar
Dumbbell Movements 50/35 (Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Overhead Lunge, Thruster)
Deadlift 225/155 (in a WOD)
Clean and Jerk/Front Squat 155/105 (in a WOD)
Snatch/Overhead Squat 115/75 (in a WOD)
D-Ball Movements 100/70 (Clean over Shoulder, Carries, Squat w/ ball)
Wall Balls (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
Box Jumps (24″/20″)
Swim (25m pool)
Single Unders
Chin over Bar Pull ups/Hanging Knee Raise
Dumbbell Movements 35/20 (Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Overhead Lunge, Thruster)
Deadlift 185/125
Clean and Jerk/Front Squat 115/75
Snatch/Overhead Squat 75/55
D-Ball Movements 100/70 (Clean over Shoulder, Carries, Squat w/ ball)
Wall Balls (14 to 10’/10 to 9’)
Box Step Ups (24″/20″)
Swim (25m pool)
Double Unders (all members)
Strict Handstand Push Ups (at least 1 Male + 1 Female)
Handstand Walk (at least 1 Male + 1 Female)
Pistols (at least 1 Male + 1 Female)
Ring Muscle Ups (at least 1 team member)
Bar Muscle Ups (at least 1 team member)
Chest to Bar Pull Ups/Toes to Bar
Dumbbell Movements 70/50 (Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Overhead Lunge, Thruster)
Deadlift 275/185 (in a WOD)
Clean and Jerk/Front Squat 205/135 (in a WOD)
Snatch/Overhead Squat 155/105 (in a WOD)
D-Ball Movements 150/100 (Clean over Shoulder, Carries, Squat w/ ball)
Wall Balls (30 to 10’/20 to 9’)
Box Jumps (30″/24″)
Swim (25m pool)
Double Unders (at least two team members)
Kipping Handstand Push Ups (at least 1 Male + 1 Female)
Chest to Bar Pull Ups/Toes to Bar
Dumbbell Movements 50/35 (Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Overhead Lunge, Thruster)
Deadlift 225/155 (in a WOD)
Clean and Jerk/Front Squat 155/105 (in a WOD)
Snatch/Overhead Squat 115/75 (in a WOD)
D-Ball Movements 100/70 (Clean over Shoulder, Carries, Squat w/ ball)
Wall Balls (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
Box Jumps (24″/20″)
Swim (25m pool)
Double Unders (at least two team members)
Chin over Bar Pull ups/Hanging Knee Raise
Dumbbell Movements 35/20 (Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Overhead Lunge, Thruster)
Deadlift 185/125
Clean and Jerk/Front Squat 115/75
Snatch/Overhead Squat 75/55
D-Ball Movements 100/70 (Clean over Shoulder, Carries, Squat w/ ball)
Wall Balls (14 to 10’/10 to 9’)
Box Step Ups (24″/20″)
Our goal with our Masters and Teen division is to provide an age-appropriate fitness challenge for our athletes. Masters and Teens may register for any of the Individual and Team divisions.
Teens 13-15
Swim (25m pool)
Double Unders
Chin over Bar Pull ups/Toes to Bar
Single Arm Dumbbell Movements 35/20 (Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Overhead Lunge, Thruster)
Deadlift 155/95
Clean and Jerk/Front Squat 95/65
Snatch/Overhead Squat 75/45
D-Ball Movements 70/50 (Clean over Shoulder, Squat w/ ball, Lunge w/ ball)
Wall Balls (14 to 10’/10 to 9’)
Box Jumps (24″/20″)
Teens 16-18
Swim (25m pool)
Double Unders
Kipping Handstand Push Ups
Chest to Bar Pull Ups/Toes to Bar
Single Arm Dumbbell Movements 50/35 (Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Overhead Lunge, Thruster)
Deadlift 225/155
Clean and Jerk/Front Squat 155/105
Snatch/Overhead Squat 95/65
D-Ball Movements 100/70 (Clean over Shoulder, Squat w/ ball, Lunge w/ ball)
Wall Balls (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
Box Jumps (24″/20″)
Masters 40-49
Swim (25m pool)
Double Unders
Kipping Handstand Push Ups
Chest to Bar Pull Ups/Toes to Bar
Single Arm Dumbbell Movements 50/35 (Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Overhead Lunge, Thruster)
Deadlift 225/155
Clean and Jerk/Front Squat 155/105
Snatch/Overhead Squat 95/65
D-Ball Movements 100/70 (Clean over Shoulder, Squat w/ ball, Lunge w/ ball)
Wall Balls (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
Box Jumps (24″/20″)
Masters 50+
Swim (25m pool)
Double Unders
Chin over Bar Pull ups/Toes to Bar
Single Arm Dumbbell Movements 35/20 (Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Overhead Lunge, Thruster)
Deadlift 185/125
Clean and Jerk/Front Squat 135/85
Snatch/Overhead Squat 75/45
D-Ball Movements 70/50 (Clean over Shoulder, Squat w/ ball, Lunge w/ ball)
Wall Balls (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
Box Jumps (24″/20″)