Meet the Competitors – Teams – Kippin’ It Real
Division: Teams
Kippin’ It Real
Which box do you train at?
Chong: Vintage CrossFit
Steven: Vintage CrossFit
Anthony: Vintage CrossFit
Karina: Vintage CrossFit
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
Chong: Little over one year
Steven: 2 years
Anthony: 1.5 years
Karina: 2 years
Is this your first competition? If not what is your most memorable competition you participated in and why?
Chong: 2017 Crossfit Open – It was super challenging as a new crossfitter but FUN
Steven: No. I have only done one Competition and that was Summer Series 2017. As it was my first competition it was pretty eye opening
Anthony: Yes.
Karina: Vintage Summer Series.. Solving the rubik’s cube 😀
What is your favorite Hero or Girl WOD?
Chong: I haven’t found one that I like yet
Steven: I haven’t done that many but maybe Grace and Murph.
Anthony: Diane
Karina: Angie & Barbara
What is your favorite workout song?
Chong: Shout by Disturbed
Steven: As long as it isn’t death metal I like it.
Anthony: Purple Lamborghini -Skrillex and Rick Ross
Karina: As long as it is not slow, anything
If you could do a partner WOD with any Games athlete, who would it be?
Chong: Mat Fraser because he is dedicated and motivational
Steven: I do not know that many Games Athletes. But, I would probably choose someone around my size to see how they do some of the workouts where being longer / taller benefits you, like the rower, etc.
Anthony: Sara Sigmundsdottir because her favorite movie is White Chicks.
Karina: Camille Leblanc-Bazinet because she just graduated as a chemical engineer and had the time to be the Fittest on Earth in 2014 and qualified to the games every year since 2011